I've decided that for February since Valentine's Day is this month and this is the first time in a long time I've had someone worth spending it with, I would make all of the quotes about love 'n stuff. If you think it's too sappy, shut your eyes...and your mouth, and of course, I mean this with the greatest amount of love behind it. Here's a hug just for you, now go spend some alone time if needed. xoxo I've got to get busy. I've got 28 days to plan.
Sunday, January 31, 2010
Saturday, January 30, 2010
Friday, January 29, 2010
Quote of the Day
Thursday, January 28, 2010
I Am Better Than Your Kids
Oh Emm Gee! This is one of the funniest things I have ever read. It's in my bag of arsenal when I'm having a bad day. I was reminded of it this morning when I was doing some research for my upcoming trip to Turks and Caicos when I came across a really, really bad picture that some kid drew and I found myself analyzing it just as this guy does. I stopped myself and put this together for you. Don't get me wrong...I have kids who love to draw and write me stories. I had some of their masterpieces hanging in my office and I threatened each one of my coworkers if they made one peep about them. However, it never stopped ME from judging their kids artwork. After all, I am reigning superior being to all, and HUCK: I'M. NEVER. WRONG!!
I am better than your kids.
If you work in an office with lots of people, chances are that you work with a person who hangs pictures up that their kids have drawn. The pictures are always of some stupid flower or a tree with wheels. These pictures suck; I could draw pictures much better. In fact, I can spell, do math and run faster than your kids. So being that my skills are obviously superior to those of children, I've taken the liberty to judge art work done by other kids on the Internet. I'll be assigning a grade A through F for each piece:
Megan, age 4
First of all, I don't even know what this is. If it's supposed to be a dog, then it's the shittiest dog I've ever seen.
Kyle, age 8

You spelled America wrong asshole. Also, I could have sworn America's colors were red, white and blue. There's no yellow anywhere, traitor.
Bryce, age 10
This one wouldn't be too bad if the color were kept inside the lines, you picked a new perspective, used non-abrasive colors and asked someone with talent to paint it for you. On one hand I want to give an A for effort but...
I win.
When I go into work next, I'm going to surprise all my co-workers and put up pictures of myself instead of their ugly kids and their inane drawings.
Rachel, age 7
That's interesting, everyone in this picture is white. Even the rainbow is white. Perhaps in an ideal world, everyone would be white isn't that right, Rachel? Or should I call you RACIST? Nice try, Hitler.
Jason, age 6
This one would receive an "A" if the assignment was to throw as much random shit onto a paper as poorly as you can. I've pissed patterns on snow that look more coherent than this.
Kelly, age 9
This was a Christmas gift from Kelly to her parents. Good job Kelly, now pack up your shit and find a foster home. If my kids tried to pass this off as a gift, they'd come home from school and find all their shit outside in a box. What a lousy gift, seriously. You give them video games and toys, and they give you some half-assed drawing with a crooked tree. I wonder how much a gift like this would set someone back. Five, maybe ten minutes to find a napkin and some markers?
I can't believe how much I rule.
I am better than your kids.
If you work in an office with lots of people, chances are that you work with a person who hangs pictures up that their kids have drawn. The pictures are always of some stupid flower or a tree with wheels. These pictures suck; I could draw pictures much better. In fact, I can spell, do math and run faster than your kids. So being that my skills are obviously superior to those of children, I've taken the liberty to judge art work done by other kids on the Internet. I'll be assigning a grade A through F for each piece:
Megan, age 4

First of all, I don't even know what this is. If it's supposed to be a dog, then it's the shittiest dog I've ever seen.
Kyle, age 8

You spelled America wrong asshole. Also, I could have sworn America's colors were red, white and blue. There's no yellow anywhere, traitor.
Lisa, age 6 
Holy shit, I almost had a seizure when I saw this one. Three words: too many colors. Also, eggs aren't supposed to have ears, dipshit.

Holy shit, I almost had a seizure when I saw this one. Three words: too many colors. Also, eggs aren't supposed to have ears, dipshit.
Bryce, age 10

I win.
When I go into work next, I'm going to surprise all my co-workers and put up pictures of myself instead of their ugly kids and their inane drawings.
The premise: I can draw better, spell better, and run faster than your kids. My skills are obviously superior to those of children.
Jon, age 8
Ding Ding! Here comes the shit-mobile. I've never seen a fire truck that needed to be shaved. I would rather be burned to death than be saved by this hairy piece of shit.
Jon, age 8

Ding Ding! Here comes the shit-mobile. I've never seen a fire truck that needed to be shaved. I would rather be burned to death than be saved by this hairy piece of shit.
Rachel, age 7

That's interesting, everyone in this picture is white. Even the rainbow is white. Perhaps in an ideal world, everyone would be white isn't that right, Rachel? Or should I call you RACIST? Nice try, Hitler.
Jason, age 6

This one would receive an "A" if the assignment was to throw as much random shit onto a paper as poorly as you can. I've pissed patterns on snow that look more coherent than this.
Kelly, age 9

This was a Christmas gift from Kelly to her parents. Good job Kelly, now pack up your shit and find a foster home. If my kids tried to pass this off as a gift, they'd come home from school and find all their shit outside in a box. What a lousy gift, seriously. You give them video games and toys, and they give you some half-assed drawing with a crooked tree. I wonder how much a gift like this would set someone back. Five, maybe ten minutes to find a napkin and some markers?
I can't believe how much I rule.
Now that you have had some lessons in critiquing artwork, go have some fun at the expense of others. :)
Quote of the Day
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
Monday, January 25, 2010
Four Square

Newbie...First check-in
Adventurer...10 check-ins to unique venues
Explorer...25 check-ins to unique venues
Superstar...50 check-ins to unique venues
Bender...Checking in 4 nights in a row
Crunked...Checking in to four or more venues in one night (after 6pm)
Local...Checking in at the same venue 3 times in 1 week
Super User...Checking in 30 times in one month
Player Please...Checking in with three members of the opposite sex
School Night...Checking in after 3am on a school night
Don't Stop Believin'...Checking in 3 times to venues tagged "karaoke"
Gym Rat...Checking in 10 times to venues tagged 'gym' in 30 days.
Overshare...10 or more check ins in 12 hours
Animal House..."Off the Wagon appreciates your business. COLLEGE!" (This may be an NYC-specific badge.)
Webby..."A wise microcelebrity once said: 'I won a Webby' is the new 'I have a website.' You may not have be named King or Queen tonight, but please accept this Webby as a token of just how special we think you are."
Douchebag...Check in to venue(s) tagged "douchebag".
Photogenic...Checking in at three places with a photo booth
Ziggy's Wagon..."Waffles and tacos and dumplings and BBQ and... looks like you've found 3 of your city's legendary food trucks. Enjoy!"
16 Candles..."Treat yourself to another cupcake – that’s 5 birthday shout outs from you!"
Babysitter..."Forget those “Bender” and “Crunked” badges – you’ve conquered the playground circuit!"
BFF..."♫ The only one for me is you, and you for me ♫ 10 check ins togeeetthhherrrr! ♫"
Engaged..."I got engaged on foursquare and here’s the badge to prove it."
Entourage..."Look at you, all checking-in with 10 of your friends in tow! Can you be any more popular?"I’m on a boat! ..."♫ This ain’t Seaworld, this is as real as it gets / I’m on a boat, MF’er, don’t you ever forget! ♫"
JetSetter..."Hopping around the world one airport at a time… congrats on your 5th airport check in and safe travels!"
Jobs..."3 Apple Store check ins! Show this badge to the hipster at the Genius Bar to redeem your new Apple Hoverboard! (… or not)"
Pizzaiolo..."This badge is reserved only for the true pizza connoisseur: slices from 20 different pizza places. Well done!"
Road Warrior..."You’re making the world a mappier place one check in at a time!"
Super Mayor..."A special shout out for holding down 10 mayorships at once!"
Swarm..."50+ people are also checked-in here – it’s a foursquare flashmob!"
Warhol..."That sure is a nice collection of art gallery check ins (10 different galleries!)"
Zoetrope..."That brings you to 10 movie theater check ins! Now, can you pick us up a large popcorn while you’re up?"
Gossip Girl...I have no explanation for this one.

Twitter, yes, I Twitter so shut your face, defines it as:
Four·square n. a way to check-in and share your location.
There are city specific badges and also convention show specific badges. As this application takes off, there will be a lot more badges. Perhaps, eventually, you can make up your own badge for special events or your place of employment, etc. If you have some ideas for new badges or just some cool ideas, don't hesitate to pass on the information to the Foursquare guys, Dennis Crowley and Naveen Selvaduri.
According to Mashable the new Blackberry app has launched joining iPhone and Android users.
So jump on the bandwagon and tell everyone you were cool before they knew it was cool to be cool. Your serve!
Quote of the Day
Sunday, January 24, 2010
Saturday, January 23, 2010
Quote of the Day
Friday, January 22, 2010
Thursday, January 21, 2010
Rearview Mirror

There comes a point in your life when you realize who matters, who never did, who won't anymore... and who always will. So, don't worry about people from your past, there's a reason why they didn't make it to your future.
'Be kinder than necessary because everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle.'
Quote of the Day
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
Quote of the Day
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
Monday, January 18, 2010
Sunday, January 17, 2010
Saturday, January 16, 2010
Quote of the Day
Friday, January 15, 2010
Razor's Edge

One day while Huck and I were in the shower, yes mom, we were showering together to conserve water and, oh yeah, I am 37 years old!, I heard this noise start up and it sounded similar to that of swarming bees.
Me: Why does it sound like bees in here?
Huck: It's my razor.
Me: Why does your razor sound like bees?
Huck: It vibrates.
Me: Your razor vibrates? Why does it vibrate? What's that supposed to accomplish? Won't you cut yourself?
Huck: *BIG SIGH* I don't know why it vibrates, probably just another marketing ploy by Gillette to sell more razors and jack up the price, but it works.
Me: Lame.
As he put it up on the rack hanging in the shower I just looked at it. It was daring me to use it and fall in love with it. Whatever. I am fine with my cheap 6-pack women's razors that come in a variety of pretty colors. Suck it, Gillette.
Many months have passed since that conversation and that damn razor has taunted me EVERY TIME I have stepped into that shower. I have used it multiple times on Huck and I just have to say...USE. YOUR. IMAGINATION. There's something romantic in shaving a man's.............
neck. ;)
The other day when I walked into our bathroom I noticed a AA battery lying on the counter. I immediately ran, not walked, to my special drawer by the bed to see if anything had been disturbed. Nope. Yay. Anyway, a couple of days later Huck said he was missing the battery he laid on the counter. (I had put it away in the drawer for future need.) His battery on his totally-awesome-cool razor needed it because it was dead. That's why that S.O.B. had not taunted me for a couple of days...it was dead.
It started chanting my name almost immediately after CPR was administered or whatever Huck had to do to revive it. I finally gave in one morning earlier this week and used it. This monstrosity of a razor has 5 freaking blades and one on the edge so it has 6 in all! Did I mention it vibrates? I don't know exactly why it does or what it's supposed to accomplish, but I really don't care because IT'S SOAWWESOME! My legs were in shavers heaven. I almost shaved my head just to see how well it managed. We became BFF's instantly and the affair had begun with Mr. Gillette Fusion. I tried to hide my secret from Huck as long as possible, but he quickly found out when he asked me if I had used his razor. Whatever do you mean, honey? No, he didn't find the razor by my side of the bed...I left it on in the shower. My secret is out, apparently I have to go buy my own now.
Quote of the Day
Thursday, January 14, 2010
Quote of the Day
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
Quote of the Day
Monday, January 11, 2010
Just One More Day...

This picture was taken prior to their wedding January 11th, 2005, 5 years ago today.
Katie has terminal cancer and spends hours in chemotherapy.
Here Nick awaits while she finishes one of the sessions.

Even in pain and dealing with her organs shutting down, with the help of morphine, Katie took care of every single wedding planning. Her dress had to be adjusted several times due to Katie's constant weight loss

Katie, in a wheel chair listening to her husband and friends singing to her.

In the middle of the party Katie had to rest for a bit and catch her breath. The pain doesn't allow her to stand for long period of time.

Katie died 5 days after her wedding. To see a fragile woman dress as a bride with a beautiful smile makes you think... happiness is always there within reach, no matter how long it lasts.....lets enjoy life and don't make it complicated. Life is too short.

Work as if it was your first day
Forgive as soon as possible
Love without boundaries
Laugh without control
never stop smiling even if you don't know the reason.
Please pray for those suffering from cancer. We all have someone close to our heart who has suffered or is currently suffering from cancer. Prayers are always answered. Please feel free to post this powerful message for awareness.
We can't control the future only the present, and even then we are not in control. Make everyday count and live it as if it was your last. Just like Katie.
Quote of the Day

Sunday, January 10, 2010
Quote of the Day

Saturday, January 9, 2010
Quote of the Day
Friday, January 8, 2010
Quote of the Day
Thursday, January 7, 2010
Wednesday, January 6, 2010
Tuesday, January 5, 2010
Monday, January 4, 2010
Recommended Reading

Holy New Year's Resolutions! I haven't made any yet. I'm really trying to find some very personal issues that I will make myself strive to accomplish. Last year I made a resolution to read a new book every month. During hectic months I no more than even touched a book except to dust underneath it. But I read four over the holidays. It doesn't go towards my "12." So I FAILED. W.T.F? Huck and I have started a new competition. Remember the last time we had a competition? I WON. I will say it again unless you didn't hear me the first time, I WON BITCHES! I hate to lose. So I took him up on that there little competition invite. We will see who reads the most books in 2010. Of course he is giving me grief over the book I had already started and was a mere 40 pages into on the 340 page book. "It doesn't count." Someone is VERY SCARED. Fine. I will still beat your ass regardless of your stupid rules. So in light of the competition, I have listed a few books I recommend for flirty, fun reading. My suggestion to get started? Half Price Books or Amazon.
2. Something Blue by Emily Giffin
9. Trading Up by Candace Bushnell
10. Bitter is the New Black : Confessions of a Condescending, Egomaniacal, Self-Centered Smartass,Or, Why You Should Never Carry A Prada Bag to the Unemployment Office by Jen Lancaster
11. The F-Word by Jesse Sheidlower and Lewis Black
12. Bergdorf Blondes by Plum Sykes
13. Remember Me? by Sophie Kinsella
14. Baby Proof by Emily Giffin
Happy Reading!
Quote of the Day
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