Because I feel I have to, so suck it. It was hard to come up with Holiday music believe it or not. I didn't want to but someone insisted that since it was December the playlist had to be Christmas-y. Most Christmas music makes me want to put a gun to my head very similar to the reaction I get when I hear the Wiggles or any other children's music. We all know that music plays a big part in our lives whether we want it to or not. We may share a special song with someone, music can take us back to a certain point in our lives. I can tell you that Tears For Fears will take me right back to Fort Worth Christian (shout out) and Jr high without a moments hesitation. Ahh, the memories. Anywho...This playlist took me half of the month of November to think about and decide. Even since I have posted, there are a couple of songs that I forgot to add, but it's just a reminder of how much my A.D.D. takes over my life and I just don't get everything done. Some of the music is obvious as to why I chose it, others for fun or extremely meaningful. Here we go.....
Santa Baby-This is the equivalent to I Saw Mama Kissing Santa Clause in my book. Kinda that naughty but nice song. Maybe it's just the thoughts that conjure up in my head and for that Santa won't visit me this year.
Mary, Did You Know-Yes, it says Clay Aiken. I'm not a groupie, but I can admit to the boy having pipes. This was not a song that I ever would have paid much attention to had it not been for this rendition, so there.
Kay Thompson's Jingle Bells-Because the original Jingle Bells is just plain 'ole boring. When I hear this song, it makes musical theater come to mind and all of the cheesy smiles and choreography that goes along with it. I am sure Justin Carrier has my back on this one.
Last Christmas-Because I can and 7th grade was just yesterday.
Better Days-Most people hear this song and do not realize it's a Christmas song. You have to listen to the words, oh! and pay attention. I find myself belting out the chorus and drumming my fingers. This song makes my dreams of becoming a rockstar reality...in the shower.
It's The Most Wonderful Tine of the Year-Your mom and your grandma love this song too, so shut your face and appreciate the good works of Andy Williams. This song oozes Christmas. I swear this song was probably playing as George runs through Bedford Falls in the snow as he realizes Clarence and God have let him live in It's A Wonderful Life.
White Christmas-There's something dreamy about Bing Crosby's voice...It's kind of like George Clooney's...grrrr.
Good Morning Blues-Ella James is awesome. This is a fun song I gotta shake my groove thang to. It's not your normal Christmas go-to song, so I like it even more.
Linus & Lucy-Because I can't get enough of the Charlie Brown Christmas Specials and this song is no exception...it's actually the song that plays when my friends log in to IM.
Where Are You Christmas-Faith Hill is the essence of sexy and sophistication. Two things I strive to be. This song is from Dr. Seuss's How The Grinch Stole Christmas. I didn't like Jim Carey's version, but I do love this song.
I'll Be Home For Christmas-Vanessa Whitwell is a beautiful friend of mine. We went through the Miss Texas Pageant System together a couple of times. She parted this world too soon on April 2008 at the age of 34. I miss her more than anyone will ever know. Her version of this song is beyond greatness, so much in fact that the radio stations in Dallas play this version over the normal ones. I stop what I am doing every time I hear it. Unfortunately it is not on iTunes. I can send it to you if you want it, just email me. It's awesome.
It's Beginning To Look A Lot Like Christmas/Pine Cones And Holly Berries-The Osmonds....Yes, I said the Osmonds. Don't think you can deny that you once had a crush on Donny or Marie. I was devastated the day Donny announced he was engaged. Yeah, I was the most devastated 6 year old out there. My dad was the CFO for the Osmonds for a few years so don't think I didn't sit in their dressing rooms (when they weren't around, of course) and think I was hot stuff. The Donny & Marie Show was a hot Variety Show and thus was the beginning of me becoming a studio brat. I ran around and met more movie stars than most people do in their lifetime. I was never star struck until the day that I met my idol, Greg Evigan from the show, BJ and the Bear. Yeah, I hid my face behind my dad's leg the day I ran into him in the hallway as he was guest starring on the show. My dad proceeded to tell him I was his biggest fan and never missed his not-appropriate-for kids show. I about died while standing there, hidden, and wanted the 1 minute 30 second exchange to end before I burst into tears or melted right there into a big blob with ponytails on the floor. As I left the studio that day I was informed I had a package in the Green Room which was actually painted blue. Greg had left me a dozen roses for being his biggest fan. Did I mention he is 20 years my senior? I had high hopes as a 6 year old....and my extreme shyness got me my introduction into the pageant system thanks to my mother. Eventually the Osmonds became like family and I never knew the difference.
All I Want For Christmas Is You-I am not a Mariah Carey fan, but this song just vomits candy canes and gumballs, IMHO. It's sweeter than Paula Deen's Apple Pie. I just had to add it because I love Paula Deen.
Baby, It's Cold Outside-This is the version from the movie, Elf. Most people think that Will Ferrell is singing it, but he just lip syncs, Zooey Deschanel, however, does. I like it A LOT. (Said like Lloyd Christmas from Dumb & Dumber)
Christmas, Don't Be Late-Alvin & The Chipmunks are so annoying, but I can remember laying on my brothers top bunk in his room, playing this record over and over and over until we were silly. I have no idea how my mother tolerated this being played 100 times in a day. I may ask her about potential earplugs or medication back in the day. It was the 70's.
The Christmas Song-Need I say more? Nat King Cole is cool kids cool. It's the essence of every part of Christmas...just like Andy and Bing.
So this was my list for December. Most of these songs bring back some sort of memory for me. Believe it or not, this was a lot harder to put together than I thought it would be...Someone asked me why I didn't put Run DMC's Christmas in Hollis on my playlist. The playlist has to have some sort of taste. AMIRITE?
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