Valentine's Day is approaching and I have mixed emotions on this "holiday." Personally I view Valentine's Day for those that are simply dating. Once you're in a committed relationship, marriage, etc I find it juvenile to have to have a day to say "i love you." Don't get me started on the women who throw big tantrums when they don't get flowers, candy or whatever on this day. YOU. ARE. PATHETIC. I would much rather have flowers given to me on a day where I least expect it and the prices are not quadrupled and HUCK doesn't have to reach into the kids college funds to pay for it.
Saint Valentine was eventually imprisoned, beaten, stoned, and beheaded. They don't tell you that on the cards.
I just needed to get that out of the way. Also, NEVER ASK A WOMAN TO MARRY YOU ON VALENTINE'S DAY! Do you realize you have set the bar for each and every Valentine's Day from that point forward? Who could live with that kind of pressure? I would succumb to stabbing a pen in my eye just trying to think of ways to top it year after painful year.
AnyWho, I am WAY. OFF. TRACK once again. The point to this post was to give you some fun ideas for Valentine's Day and instead I think I have created suicidal thoughts and mayhem. Sorry.
Here's a gift guide to give your husband, wife, significant other, friend with benefits, that person who folds your clothes, or delivers your pizza. Whatever. If you feel the need to get a gift or want a gift, pay attention. And BTW, I couldn't find the Rent George Clooney For a Lifetime, so I came up with these ideas instead....







The next items take a bit more of your Martha Stewart to come out. Just a tad of creativity with a TON of good returns...
1. Grab a basket and head to your nearest Target, Bath & Body Works, TJ Maxx, Marshall's or any other store that may carry bath products. Grab a colorful sponge and try to keep the color theme going from there while you grab sugar scrub, body butter, shower gel, soap, and bubble bath. If you're guy looks at you when he opens this as if you've lost your mind and after you reassure him you are NOT bringing a third party into the relationship, tell him it is to be shared by the both of you either in the shower or bath. His choice. If he still has doubts, tell him to call Huck, he'll explain the benefits. This is fun for under $40 and lasts a very long time.
2. Make a coupon book. Add whatever it is you want and are willing to do for your significant other. Remember it is YOU doing the chores, so watch out what you put in there. Start with simple gestures as taking out the trash, cleaning the car, mowing the lawn, dinner for a week,, etc. Then take it up a notch or 10. I think you get the picture. If you still need ideas, email me. ;) Easily made for under $5.
3. Make a CD with love songs on it. Add some of the songs that remind you of special times. Here's a few to include:
This Year's Love by David Gray
Bless The Broken Road by Rascal Flats
Love In An Elevator by Aerosmith
Must Have Done Something Right by Relient K
You Are The One by We Are Pilots
Something In the Way She Moves by James Taylor
At Last by Etta James
The Way You Look Tonight by Tony Bennett
Love Lockdown by Kanye West
Open Arms by Journey
Remember When by Alan Jackson
Sex On Fire by Kings of Leon
Stolen by Dashboard Confessional
This is a good start and under $10.
3. Did you write your own wedding vows? Have a favorite poem or saying? Print it on pretty paper that matches the colors where you went to display it and frame it. You can get the paper at any Michael's in the scrapbooking section and then walk on over to the frames and pick one up. Simple and less than $20.
4. Same scrapbooking paper store, pick up an 8X10 canvas, some modge podge, and then print some pictures. Cover the 8X10 canvas with the paper covering all sides except the back. Arrange and glue pictures on the paper. Add whatever trinkets, memorabilia, saying, etc and modge podge the hell out of it. Wait until it dries and cover any spots that aren't glossy and voila! Instant artwork. Turn it over and add some sweet sentiments. $15.
5. Got a coffee or tea lover? Grab 2 mugs and some small bags of coffee beans or tea boxes, some cookies and wrap it up.
6. Book lover? Go to your nearest bookstore and get a couple of books by a favorite author. There are a lot of books on sale at Barnes and Noble or Half-Price Books that I couldn't resist. You could always splurge and get them or me a Kindle, I won't mind. :)
So there you have just a few ideas. This is what I came up with 3 days before the big day. What do you expect? It's better than me saying here's $50 bucks, go buy yourself something nice.